Constitution Avenue – ACT Lighting, Art & Science were the lighting and electrical consultants for Constitution Avenue in Canberra, teaming up with the landscape architect to come up with a contemporary design strategy for the pathway lighting, street lighting and...
St Thomas Becket Church – Lewisham Lighting, Art & Science were engaged to produce an interior lighting design for the Altar, Main Chapel, Aisles, Transept, Sacristy Rooms, Confessionals and entrance external landings for St Thomas Becket Church, Lewisham. This...
Walter Gors Park – Dee Why Lighting, Art & Science were engaged to design the public domain lighting for the new park at Dee Why – Walter Gors Park. The park is part of the Dee Why Town Centre Upgrade, which was recently expanded and revitalised to cater to the...
Lennox Bridge – Parramatta Lighting, Art & Science recently completed a lighting upgrade to the heritage listed Lennox Bridge on the intersection of Church Street and Parramatta River. The bridge was designed by David Lennox and first construction took place...
Janet Beirne Reserve – Beaconsfield Janet Beirne Park is one of a several suburban playgrounds and parks that Lighting, Art + Science was tasked with delivering a design to increase the lighting quality and night time safety for users. The atmosphere created, along...